Point 10. To promote interreligious friendship and cooperation as well as social justice in the global society

A Call To Both Christian and Jewish Communities and Others
We commit ourselves to the following goals and invite Jews, Christians and Muslims, together with all people of faith and goodwill, always to respect the other and to accept each other’s differences and dignity.

10. To promote interreligious friendship and cooperation as well as social justice in the global society

  • By rejoicing in the uniqueness of each person, and promoting everyone’s political, economic and social well-being.
  • By recognizing as equal citizens members of faith traditions who have migrated to new homelands where they may have become part of a religious minority.
  • By striving for equal rights for all people, regardless of their religion, gender or sexual orientation.
  • By recognizing and grappling with the fact that feelings of religious superiority – and an accompanying sense that other religions are inferior – are present in each tradition, including one’s own.