• Response to Bishop Mussinghoff

    Bischof Mussinghoff, liebe Freunde,
    aus Respekt für unseren ausgezeichneten Hauptredner und die Stadt, in der unsere Konferenz stattfindet, beginne ich meinen Vortrag auf deutsch. Vielen Dank dass Sie Ihre tiefsinnige Betrachtung der Beziehungen zwischen Katholiken und Juden mit uns teilen. Ich begrüsse Ihren Aufruf zur Entwicklung neuer Theologien des Judentums und werde darauf Bezug nehmen.

  • A Time For Recommitment

    In the summer of 1947, 65 Jews and Christians from 19 countries gathered in Seelisberg, Switzerland. They came together to express their profound grief over the Holocaust, their determination to combat antisemitism, and their desire to foster stronger relationships between Jews and Christians. They denounced antisemitism both as a sin against God and humanity and as a danger to modern civilization. And to address these vital concerns, they issued a call in the form of 10 points to Christian churches to reform and renew their understandings of Judaism and the relationships between Judaism and Christianity.

  • 2009 ICCJ Conference

    "A time for Recommitment"ICCJ Conference in Berlin

  • Statement on the current round of violence in the Middle East

    We, the members of the Executive Board of the International Council of Christians and Jews, are deeply distressed and saddened by the current round of violence in the Middle East. We have always affirmed our commitment to the survival and security of the State of Israel. At the same time, we grieve for the loss of innocent lives on both sides.

  • Letter to Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone

    His Eminence
    Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone, SDS
    DD Secretariat of State
    I - 00120 Vatican City

    08 August 2007

  • ICCJ Conference 2015, Rome: texts and pictures on line

    Almost all key notes and speeches of ICCJ's this year conference in Rome are now online!

  • “Challenging Antisemitism and Islamophobia”

    Forthcoming Event: Thursday 3rd December 2015, 7pm, North Manchester venue