Czech Republic
Společnost křesťanů a Židů
Czech Republic
Organization name:
Společnost křesťanů a Židů
Preferred English translation of the name of your organization:
The Society of Christians and Jews
Year of establishment or foundation of the organization:
Brief history of the organization:
The organization was established shortly after the fall of the communist regime in former Czechoslovakia under the auspices of then President Vaclav Havel. While the organization has enjoyed the interest of prominent political and faith leaders, it has at the same time always provided space for academic and grassroots initiatives in dialogue and cooperation as well as cultural endeavors.
How many members (approximately) does your organization have?: Throughout the almost 30 years of its existence, the organization has been in touch with almost 900 individuals. However, most of these contacts are, unfortunately, dormant. The organization’s general assemblies are usually attended by some 20 people. Every issue of the magazine published on behalf of the organization is regularly sent out to ca. 550 people.
Where is your organization based?
Main focuses/areas of your work:
We mainly undertake activities in the following areas: dialogue, education, and culture. We publish the organization’s magazine, Revue SKZ that publishes academic and popular articles, reviews, interviews, news, reports, translations, etc. We organize the annual Sukkat Shalom (“Tent of Peace”) festival in the small town of Beroun in the central Czech Republic (in cooperation with the local Protestant congregation). The uniqueness of the festival is that in addition to Jewish and Christian communities it also engages the local Roma community. In addition, we organize various events, workshops, lectures, and discussion panels, often with other partners (e.g., various faith communities, the Jewish Museum in Prague). Furthermore, we also seek to pursue trilateral dialogue with Islam.
Which audiences do you work towards?
- Academics
- Grassroots
- Young professionals
- Retired professionals
- Clergy
- Students
How often does your organization meet?
There are yearly general assemblies. The Board meets ad hoc. Otherwise, there are ad hoc meetings, organized for particular purposes (festivals, lectures, editorial board meetings, etc.).
Events regularly sponsored by your organization:
The annual Sukkat shalom (“Tent of Peace”) festival.
Does your organization have any regular publications (in print or online)?
We publish the organization’s magazine, Revue SKZ, that publishes academic and popular articles, reviews, interviews, news, reports, translations, etc. It is published biannually. The magazine is full-text available online at
Main working/publishing language of your organization:
Czech, Slovak; the organization can be contacted in English, too.
Officers of your organization:
President: Zora Nováková
Executive Board members: Pavol Bargár, Pavel Hošek, Tomáš Kraus, Ivan Štampach, Petr Jan Vinš

Briefly describe your organization’s relationship to the ICCJ:
It is an official member organization.
What is the greatest challenge your organization faces at the moment?
1.) financial challenges; 2.) struggles related to long-term active commitment of members
Is your organization active on Social Media platforms?
Our organization has a Facebook account: Currently, we have 451 followers.
E-mail address to contact your organization:
Website of your organization: