JCRelations.net: July edition online

New articles are available on JCRelations.net: July contributions in English, German, Spanish, and Russian are online.

English articles:

- Jackie Feldman: How Can You Know the Bible and Not Believe in Our Lord? Guiding Pilgrims across the Jewish–Christian Divide. Article
- Council of Jews in Germany: Germany: New Federal Military Rabbi Zsolt Balla Solemnly Inaugurated into Office. Report
- Anette Adelmann:Dr Philip A. Cunningham has been appointed ICCJ Honorary President. Report
- Ophir Yarden:The More Torah, The More Life. A Christian Commentary on Mishnah Avot. Book review

JCR English articles

German articles:

- Norbert Reck:Der Jude Jesus und die christliche Theologie. Reaktionsmuster seit der Aufklärung und zukünftige Aufgaben Artikel
- Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland: Neuer Militärbundesrabbiner Zsolt Balla feierlich ins Amt eingeführt. Artikel
- JCR: Grundstein für das House of One gelegt. Bericht

JCR German articles

French articles:

Pause estivale - Actualisation suivante: Septembre

JCR French articles

Spanish articles:

- Mimi Schwartz: Cuando llegaron los nazis, no todos los habitantes se dividieron claramente en “buenos” y “malos” vecinos.

JCR Spanish article

Russian article:

- Евгений Левин: Еврей в церкви.

JCR Russian article
