JCRelations.net: January edition online

New articles are available on JCRelations.net: January contributions in English, German, French, Spanish and Russian are online.

English articles:

- Raphael Jospe: Anti-Eschatology: Maimonides on the Messianic Era and the World to Come. Article

- Philip A. Cunningham: Has the Way Christians See Themselves Been Affected by Their New Relationship with Jews? Article

- JCR: Obituaries for Martin Stöhr. Report

- Anette Adelmann: ICCJ 2020 Conference: Stories We Live By. Report

- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: U.S. Bishops Chairman on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs on Antisemitism. Report

- JCR: Confronting Difficult Issues around Religion and the Holocaust. Report

- Religions for Peace: Religions for Peace, a Coalition of Millions of Believers, Sets Global Peace Priorities. Report

- Simon J. Joseph: How the Jewish Writings between the Old and New Testament Help Us Understand Jesus. Book review

JCR English articles

German articles:

- Christian M. Rutishauser: Meilensteine des christlich-jüdischen Dialogs. Artikel

- Martin Stöhr: Unterwegs zu einer neuen Beziehung zwischen Juden und Christen. Artikel

- JCR: Nachrufe für Martin Stöhr. Bericht

- Andreas Rehnolt:: Interreligiöser Kalender 2020 erschienen. Bericht

- Andreas Rehnolt: Archäologisches Museu und Bibelmuseum in Münster wieder eröffnet. Bericht

JCR German articles

French articles:

- Pierre-Yves Materne, o.p. : La théologie chrétienne «après Auschwitz» selon J. B. Metz. Article

- Église d’Angleterre: L’Église d’Angleterre publie un document majeur sur les relations judéo-chrétiennes Comptes-rendus

- Église d’Angleterre. Déclarations

JCR French articles

Spanish article:

- Ron Kronish: ¿Pueden aprender a vivir juntos los descendientes de Isaac y de Ismael?

JCR Spanish article

Russian article:

- Юрий Табак: Яаков, Эсав и Ишмаэль: рядом и порознь.

JCR Russian article

