
Региональная общественная организация "Лицом к лицу: содействие диалогу религий и культур"



Organization name:
Региональная общественная организация «Лицом к лицу: содействие диалогу религий и культур

Preferred English translation of the name of your organization:
Regional Public Organization "Face to face: promotion of dialogue between religions and cultures". Abbreviated name in English: RPO "Face to face".

Year of establishment or foundation of the organization: 
It was established in 1991 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in 1993.

Brief history of the organization:
RPO "Face to face" is comprised of Jews, Christians and Muslims that are interested in inter-religious dialogue. But it is not comprised only of religious people from Jewish, Christian and Islamic communities and organizations, but also of people of non-religious professions: philosophers, psychologists, scholars, historians, public figures and politicians, teachers and journalists.

RPO "Face to face" became the first organization of the post-Soviet area to conduct inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue. Its emergence generated attention. The largest event to date was the international conference in 1993, entitled "Face to face: religious dialogue". The participants of the conference were addressed by the President of Russia, His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia, Catholic and Islamic leaders and Russian political and public figures of the late 20th century. Later on, multiple symposiums and conferences were held in Moscow, Jerusalem and Skopje. 

Number of members (approx.):
Currently, the organization has 3 employees and around 100 volunteers in different cities and towns in Russia. Leaders of the organization are residing in Moscow.

Where is your organization based?
Russia, 109004, Moscow, POB 33, Dr Rafail Fainberg.

(Left:) The ICCJ Conference in Budapest. At the table: Mikhail Sivertsev, Evgenii Vereshchagin, Rafail Fainberg, Gerhart Rigner, unknown, Roman Spektor (from left to right).
(Right:) Seminar in Moscow school No. 1858 conducted by the professor of the Moscow Pedagogical Institute Svetlana Zhundrikova. (Moscow, 2012)


Main focuses/areas of your work:

  • Conducting seminars for different audiences (pupils, students, parents of migrant kids, school teachers).
  • Culture popularization, including organizing concerts and exhibitions.
  • Publishing written works.
  • Organizing meetings between Jews, Orthodox Christians and Muslims both between each other and also with believers of other religions.
  • Meetings of religious figures with students.

Which audiences do you work towards?
Our audience: high school pupils, students, school teachers, members of Jewish, Christian and Islamic communities.

How often does your organization meet?
Usually, the seminars are held once a month, and meetings and lectures – once every 3-4 months.

Events regularly sponsored by your organization:
See above under “Main areas/focuses of our work”.

Does your organization have any regular publications (in print or online)?
RPO "Face to face" releases a bulletin "Dialogues. Christians, Muslims, Jews, ethnic, cultural and religious traditions". 6 issued have been released with a frequency of 1 issue every two years.

(Left:) After students' visit to Moscow Mosque and Madrassah. In the middle — sheikh Farid Asadullin. Moscow, 2012
(Right:) Grand opening of the polytechnic photographs exhibition "Derbent. Live link of tasks". From left to right: Representative of Department for External Church Relations of the Russian Orthodox Church arch-priest Dimitry and exhibition curator, director of RPO "Face to face" Rafail Fainberg. Moscow, 2015.


Main working/publishing language of your organization:
Working language of the activities and printed press is Russian. Books summaries are in English.

Officers of your organization:
Chairman of the Committee: Vladimir Shternfeld
Vice-Chairmen: Roman Spektor and Shariff Shukurov
Director: Rafail Fainberg
Accountant: Julia Averkina.

Briefly describe your organization’s relationship to the ICCJ:
Our organization has been collaborating with the ICCJ for more than 20 years. The experience obtained during conferences and meetings helps us to organize our work.

Has your organization figured in any published material such as newspapers, books or blogs?
A bulletin is published every two years.  

E-mail address to contact your organization:
rfainberg(at) (Director)

Website of your organization:
Website will be launched soon!

Participants of the international conference meeting with His Holiness Alexis II
Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. (Moscow, 2004)

Grand opening of the polytechnic photographs exhibition "Multi-national Moscow".

(From left to right:) Director of RPO "Face to face", curator of the exhibition Rafail Fainberg, Chief Rabbi
of Russia Adolf Shaevich, Israeli Ambassador to Russia Dorith Golender. Moscow, 2014.