Manchester 2012 Registration Open

The 2012 annual conference of the International Council of Christians and Jews (ICCJ) will be held in Manchester, UK, July 1-4. The ICCJ is honoured to co-host the conference with the UK Council of Christians and Jews and its Manchester Branch, in co-operation with the University of Manchester’s Centre for Jewish Studies. The theme chosen for the conference is ‘New Neighbours, New Opportunities: The Challenges of Multiculturalism and Social Responsibility’.

On the 65th anniversary of the ICCJ and the 70th anniversary of the CCJ in the UK, it seems fitting to celebrate many of the assumptions behind the multiculturalist project which are shared by those working in interfaith relations, including: respect for the other’s identity and integrity; opposition to prejudice, intolerance, discrimination and racism; and a recognition that groups and individuals can remain loyal to their faith commitment while at the same time recognizing in the other person his or her integrity and otherness. The idea of social responsibility, that is, the idea that groups and individuals have an obligation to act to benefit society at large, is also relevant at a time when political and religious leaders struggle to align the interests of minorities within wider society.

The 2012 ICCJ conference will be an excellent opportunity to explore these ideas, to celebrate 70 years Council of Christians and Jews in the United Kingdom and to meet many old and new friends. Registration for the conference is open from March 1 until May 31.

In detail:

- Registration
- Introduction video
- General information
- Program
- Theme
- Workshop scheme