Elections ICCJ Executive

The ICCJ 2011 Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, July 7, at 8.30 a.m., in the Qubus Hotel in Cracow.

This AGM will be a very important meeting because a new ICCJ Executive Board will be elected for a three-year term. You may find a short bio and the pictures of the nominees at www.iccj.org (see below "Introduction nominees").

ICCJ member organizations will receive next week the official invitation to attend the annual meeting, signed by ICCJ President Dr Deborah Weissman, and the agenda for the meeting. Attached to the agenda are several reports and other documents. But no doubt the most important item on the AGM agenda this year is the election of a new ICCJ Board. Each member organization may designate two representatives to attend the annual meeting, one of whom shall be entitled to vote on behalf of your organization. If no representative of an ICCJ member organization can attend the meeting, voting rights may be delegated.

Members of the Board are to be elected as follows:

  • the President individually
  • the Treasurer individually
  • the other five members of the Board jointly. From among those the Jewish and the Christian candidate who will receive most of the votes will be elected as first and second Vice-President. The number of votes received by each candidate will determine who is the first and who the second Vice-President. This means there will always be one Jewish and one Christian Vice-President.

Regarding the individual election of President and Treasurer, the candidate receiving more than half of the votes cast will be elected. If this number of votes has not been reached, there will be a second round of election between the two candidates who received most of the votes. In case of a tie the person chairing the meeting will cast the deciding additional vote.

Please see:
Introduction nominees

Editorische Anmerkungen

The picture shows the present ICCJ Board.