JCRelations.net: March edition online

New articles are available on JCRelations.net: March contributions in English, German, French, Spanish, and Russian are online.


Fritz VOLL (1930-2024)

We mourn the loss of Fritz Voll, the founder and architect of our website JCRelations.net, who passed away in Toronto, Canada, in early February 2024 at the age of 93.

Born in 1930 in Naumburg an der Saale (Germany), he grew up in Nazi Germany and at the age of 8 saw the synagogue opposite his parents' house destroyed and burned down by Hitler's SA during Kristallnacht. Even as an adolescent, he wondered why church and Sunday school only ever talked about Jews of the Bible and never about Jews living today. After studying at theological schools in Denmark and England, he served as a youth leader in an Evangelical church in Germany for 25 years and emigrated to Canada in 1976 with his wife and three teenagers....
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English articles:

- Yehoyada Amir: Israel as a Jewish State – Religious and Secular Dimensions. Article
- Alan Rosenbaum: Interfaith Dialogue: Making Religion Part of Israel’s Middle East Peace. Article
- Roberto Cetera: Rabbis and scholars thank Pope for sowing friendship amidst animosity. Report
- Pope Francis: My heart is close to you, to the Holy Land, to all the peoples who inhabit it, Israelis and Palestinians. Statements
- Karma Ben Johanan et al: We extend an invitation to the Church to broaden the dialogue. Statements
- Archbishop Elpidophoros: Orthodox Church seeks God’s mercy and endeavors to strengthen its ties with the venerable tradition of Judaism. Statements
- Raphael Jospe: "The Messiah Confrontation: Pharisees Versus Sadducees and the Death of Jesus". Review Essay

JCR English articles

German articles:

- Alan Rosenbaum: Interreligiöser Dialog: Religion zu einem Teil des israelischen Friedens im Nahen Osten machen. Artikel
- Bruno Landthaler und Fahimah Ulfat: Multireligiöser Religionsunterricht der Zukunft aus einer jüdischen und muslimischen Perspektive. Artikel
- Roberto Cetera: „Mein Herz ist bei Ihnen, dem Heiligen Land und allen Völkern, die es bewohnen". Bericht
- Deutscher Koordinierungsrat: Deutscher Koordinierungsrat verurteilt Antisemitismus und Israelfeindlichkeit an deutschen Hochschulen. Stellungnahme
- Deutscher Koordinierungsrat: Deutscher Koordinierungsrat kritisiert Leseempfehlung zum Weltgebetstag. Stellungnahme

JCR German articles

French articles:

- D’après Vatican News: Décès du père Émile Shoufani, «curé de Nazareth», passeur de paix. Comptes-rendus
- Pawel Rytel-Andrianik: Un nouveau centre d'éthique réunit juifs et chrétiens à Rome. Comptes-rendus
- Conseil International des Chrétiens et des Juifs (ICCJ): Conférence 2024 de l’ICCJ – La sainteté: impératif religieux et obligation morale? Comptes-rendus
- Pape François: Lettre du Saint-Père aux frères et sœurs juifs en Israël. Déclarations
- Sarah Verriest: Israël-Palestine: dépassons les discours simplistes!. Déclarations
- Jean-Dominique Durand, Président de l’Amitié Judéo-Chrétienne de France: Des événements qui nous bouleversent. Déclarations

JCR French articles

Spanish article:

- F Louis-Marie Coudray: Las “Orientaciones pastorales” del Episcopado francés (16 de abril de 1973).

JCR Spanish articles

Russian article:

- Галина Зеленина: О штанах и крестике: вариации первого обряда перехода (К 100-летию Бенциона Нетаньягу).

JCR Russian article
