Easter Season + Pesach 2024

Letter of the ICCJ President Liliane Apotheker and a message for the Easter Season and Pesach from the Theology Committee of the ICCJ



A Message for Pesach and Easter
from the Theology Committee of the International Council of Christians and Jews

We are aware of the time gaps this year among the different Christian denominations regarding the dates of Easter and the gap between Easter and Pesach (“Passover”) for the Jews.  Despite that, we, members of the theology committee of the International Council of Christians and Jews, see as paramount sending a joint message of hope, faith and peace to all.

This being a Jewish leap year, Pesach is “late,” especially in relation to Easter. But both festivals represent hope and renewal as the Northern Hemisphere moves into spring. The story of the Israelites’ Exodus from Egypt is meant to show us the possibility of change, even after hundreds of years of slavery. The ritual of the Seder, when Jewish families and communities gather to retell the story to the younger generations, is one of the most-observed rituals of the entire Jewish year. Every person is supposed to feel on the night of the Seder that he or she personally came out of Egypt.  When some people are still enslaved, none of us is free.
This has been a most difficult year for Jews throughout the world, and we wish all our Jewish brothers and sisters a happy, meaningful and liberating Passover festival.

Christians have moved into or are moving towards the most sacred days of our calendar, Holy Week and Easter.
Western Christians began their week of holiness in the days between the 24 and 30 March, culminating in Easter Day on 31 March.
For Churches of the Orthodox East, Holy Week will be observed from 29 April to 4 May, with Easter – the “Pascha” or “Bright Sunday” - on 5 May. We enter these days of holiness (according to whichever calendar), not because they merely remind us of mortal Jesus’ final days, but because of our understanding that we join Jesus in his death and resurrection. Easter, for us, is the celebration of life that comes out of death. Our conviction is that Jesus’ death can be called a revelation (of our faithlessness and God’s faithfulness to us), but is not God’s final word. The Word of Life is yet more fully revealed in Jesus’ resurrection from the grave. This event offers a hope each Christian might make their own, and personal reflection is part of many Christians’ devotions in these days. But it is hope for the world – a world torn by strife, disaster, tragedy and death. The finality of death is not the final word for us. We look for life that emerges from the grave. The Risen Jesus speaks of the enduring possibility of peace in the face of incalculable human suffering, and the all-too-apparent impossibility of change.

Rev. Dr Michael Trainor (Chair)
Rev'd Patrick Morrow (Secretary)
Dr Pavol Bargár (ICCJ Liaison)

